New Feature!
I had first said before the end of the year that I would be adding a few things. I have added a monthly presents. It’s where we add a movie each month that I think should be checked out. Not just for it’s geekiness. Though some of them are fun and exciting. Others because they mean something or just really good sci fi, fantasy films. That maybe don’t have the respect or deserve another look.
I started this blog and the whole geek thing to talk about geeky things. Geek TV, and movies and games out there. I am also a parent. I have one six year old and I have another that is 18 months. The oldest is a boy. So you can imagine why I get to be around some much geeky things. He wants to be like Daddy. I have a little girl that is my youngest and she’s very much into things that her brother is into.
I want to help out parents. Those that are into this and maybe for whatever reason don’t know much or not that informed. No matter what geek tv isn’t going away; it’s only going to be getting bigger and more of it. No matter how much we like it or hate it for that matter. Money is to be made and everyone wants to be Marvel! No matter how much they can’t pull that off or achieve what they have.
I’m going to put together though a catalogue of different superhero characters. I’m going to cover both Marvel and DC. As to keep it fair because kids are going to be kids and watch whatever they think is cool.
Where I can I am going to be using them as either groups if I can; or I’ll cover just one character. I will also warn you to different aspects that could be adult and if they do pop up if you the parent should check into it before letting your kid view the film. Though to be honest I think you should check them out unless it’s a core character film. The comics should be taken issue by issue. Cursing I've noticed isn’t really put in. They censor that but like one panel in a recent Suicide Squad showed a guy’s arms getting cut off by the character Boomerang.
If you have any idea who should be the first character or group put it in the comments below please. Can hit me up on twitter as well. Enjoy your day, night, evening whatever time frame you're reading this in.
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