We interrupt this broadcast...

Basically talk about something that is a bit of a break in the norm here on this blog. Normally we chat about the TV shows over at CW and the superheroes. While we are going to keep covering Arrow and the gang I thought I'd talk about and mention another smaller show that is need of some help. 

That would be the Fox TV show Pitch. I know that for some of the geeky crowd out there Fox isn't exactly the go to place to actually watch TV shows. They don't always do genre TV well at all. I'd be the first to admit but I like this show. It's not a soap opera and it's not a cop show. The wife Loves cop shows. Just as an FYI, and yes that means she loves CBS and NBC. 

Pitch is a really well made show about a girl her Father was a pitcher that made it to The Show, or Major Leagues. He wanted to see his son become a ball player and yet that didn't happen. That is where his daughter comes into play. Her name is Ginny Baker (Kylie Bunbury) who plays this character really well. I don't know of her back work but she's really good. It has also Mark Paul Gosselaar as the catcher. He's the season pro and is the man that controls the diamond. Rounding out the cast is Mo McRae who plays Blip. He's an outfielder who played with Ginny down in the minors and is thrilled when she gets called up. This TV show is also backed by MLB and you can tell. They use real teams and the main team for them San Diego Padres. There some awesome shots of being in the middle of all those people. Kind of cool. 

While the show is very good there are some rough around the edges.
I think they are both made to try and "boost" the audience and needlessly add a twist. One of those twists is alright the other I think was just to keep people watching. That being said though this is still awesome. Especially if you remember Save by the Bell and Mark. He shines in this show. 

Anyhow, this doesn't have a streaming home yet and I'll let you know if it does as they need people to stream it so that way the streaming service can say they'd like more to Fox. You can get this TV shows as it's through Amazon and Vudu. Vudu is cheaper by the way, a dollar but hey it helps. 

Alright, we now bring you back to your program already in progress. 


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