The Geek Presents!

Artificial Intelligence

While I let the cat out of the bag on this one I do actually like and enjoy this movie. I think that this came out at the tail end of Spielberg's amazing run of films. Though when it first came out it didn’t make much money and I don’t know if people liked or enjoyed this one. Though to be honest it was nothing like the BFG response, That one as far as I know was one of the worst and badly responded film he’s done. The film was very big over in Japan. I think some of the themes and ideas are over in another good film Ex Machina.

It has to be mentioned and said that the film was actually set up by Stanley Kubrick. He and Steven both worked on this film. There is a story he told when he was on Inside the Actor Studio about how Stephen had to get a fax machine and not tell anyone the number and they worked on it in secret. That is also why the first part of this is very much Kubrick. As the film moves along it becomes more Spielberg and less Kubrick. It explores themes of what makes us human.

The world and creatures built for this movie is top notch. I have to give a shout out to Stan Winston who has actually passed away a few years back. The practical images that they created was awesome. Teddy (David’s Jiminy Cricket.) felt very much an actual person. The effects team was awarded with an Oscar nod I can’t remember if it won though.

AI is a smart and intelligent film. That wasn’t such a great and loved film. I think though that some years later that this film is a very good and important science fiction film. A genre that Spielberg has added a ton too through the years. I think that it’s a classic for him. The acting is actually done very well and I know that Haley Joel Osment got jumped for it but he does seem like David. Going through the emotion and actually bringing him to life.

I did want to mention to you all that there is a bit of a trivia to this film. The one that is the “Wizard” is voiced by Robin Williams. Though probably won’t have figured it out it’s not like can really tell it’s his voice. The other is at the ending, and yes I know this is a total spoiler so if don’t want to know don’t read, they arn’t aliens but actually robots. Highly evolved robots. Please enjoy the movie and enjoy a great story, direction, and acting.

Parent warning:

This film is probably best suited for those that are a bit older say around 10 and up. The movie is a dark version of the Pinocchio story. You are definetly put through the emotional ringer as David is in peril and danger is everywhere. It’s easy to forget that he’s not a robot but a human being. People are at this time in the film hating robots and want to protect him. The first part of the film kind of talks about the very bases of should David exist. Is it in not perverse in some way to create a robot that is of a child. While he is created and given “birth” what does happen if parents wish to give him away. All of these type of questions are asked and some are answered. I do say check this movie out as it’s a great film over all. Just have to know this one gets dark.


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