Arrow and this blog

Okay for those that have been following me over on my twitter account you'll notice the poll that I have had set up about your love of the Arrowverse and which show to watch. It isn't that big of a shock in that Supergirl, an Flash are leading the charge in it, with Legends and Arrow bringing up the rear of the poll. 

I see the effects and drops really in views when it comes to the Arrowverse blog posts. Supergirl and Flash are popular and Arrow isn't. The last post over the first 24 or so hours didn't hardly get any views. Which is okay. Just kind of interesting in what people are viewing and enjoying. 

I guess the question is should I stop with the Arrow show? Though I do feel like having reviews over the season finale and going into the next season. Though having just Arrow themed posts about what happened the week before or what not I don't think may happen. 

I'm trying to actually find a few topics over the course of the shows season's. Each review for the shows though do take some time and do take some well work. Why I don't try and totally each week cover four shows as that is a lot of work and hard to accomplish.

These were just my thoughts to after the poll and my thinking of Arrow as a whole. Please below or on twitter do hit me up and actually give me your thoughts on the whole thing. I'm totally interested in hearing them.


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