Final Grade for Arrowverse!
It has happened another year of CW Network Superheroes is in the books! Time to take a second and enjoy the story told over so many hours of television; as well as take stock of the good and bad that came with this season. This is also our first review of the season as a whole we have ever done. We have always done just arch's or episode reviews. Which are fun but now that we have seen the whole of their parts lets take stock shall we? I'm going to talk about all the shows and not just one show, followed by the other and so on and so on.
Supergirl is a good show and well made. The jump over to the CW Network while forced it to shed some cash; since CW can't afford everyone on the payroll. Also too there was the move to Vancouver as well on top of that. They were originally California. Unlike the other shows though Supergirl kind of freed herself from being tied to one bad guy and actually has made a rouges gallery of bad guys. One that can come to bite her at any moment since she doesn't kill. Which is actually kind of cool. It meant that there wasn't really any big reveals. No building up the big bad and then having to show him. Which can be a bit of a let down-- like how they did Savitar over at Flash.-- and can alienate the audience.
The show also has to be mentioned when it comes to the sister. Maggie in the comics is actually bland and just kind of there. She's there to tell the story and not really have a purpose. Which is great if your doing a comic but this is hour and hours of television. Not just your cable tv either but network television, which means that there is double the episodes. So they made her into a lesbian.
Though her orientation was never really talked about. I think that while Supergirl as a whole had it's issues this is one of the strong bright spots. The only thing I have to say is the whole marriage angle. Her asking her girlfriend to marry her seemed a bit much and forced. Though given there fan's I don't think people totally minded that one.
Another big spot for Supergirl was in her own love life. Her having to balance the desires of being a normal human being and all that comes with, with being a superhero. The Mon- El parts I didn't think totally worked. Though at the end of the season when they finally get rid of the Jacksomites I have to say it was a cool moment that they did share and I have to say too I think he'll be back some way.
Over all I enjoyed this show and it's handling of the characters week to week. I also feel like with Supergirl she can still handle herself. She doesn't need the others and they just want to help her. There isn't any dependence on others for help. Looking at you Arrow.
Awww, The Flash! What can I say about you? This show is actually very good. It's not really attained the heights of the first season. I don't think Savitar nor really Zoom was very good as far as the fun of the first year. I have to think that it's not really in the writing it's just that it's like no one compares to Reverse Flash. It's like having Batman's Joker now having four different versions of himself. There is only ONE Crown Prince in the Bat-verse. Same thing here. If your going to have a speedster then it's going to be compared to Reverse- Flash. The fact that you have "killed" him off kind of blows too. But, that is more for Legends then here. So onward and upward!
I think that the producers and behind the scenes guys know that they need to do something for the sake of this show and character. They have said that there won't be anymore speedsters which is good. With the season finale being what it is I have to say that I'm excited. This is bold. Flash is gone. Now where do you go? to Kid Flash.....Jessie Quick? Both are awesome ideas.

I'd like it if this show maybe broke down the different parts of the season much like Agents of Shield did. Then leading to a more over arch season at play here. It makes it more compact and less filler. Which if your going to be on network TV is kind of like the death nail is it not?
Besides the things mentioned I loved the season. Thinking it was a very good year. Not totally like season one but I think they are moving back to the magic of the first season. So I do think good times are ahead. Just maybe with a different Flash. Exciting!
It's as it's called the Grandaddy of them all. Which is kind of funny cause Stephen Amell is a WWE fan. Anyhow, this season had it's up's and downs. I thought the gun violence episode was really good. Once again the flashbacks actually brought down the show. Oh, and as a note to those that are writing on a TV show and doing flashbacks do them like LOST. I thought that over it's run they handled and dealt with flashbacks really well.
Chase though gave in it's own way a highlight to everything wrong with Green Arrow........oh I mean Arrow. He's dark, bitter and relies on other people way to much! He's not a bad ass unless he has a team. Which is cool and can provide cool moments he has to stand on his own two feet. The first two
season's you saw that. While I know this is a throw back to the old days this needs to happen. He needs to be able to handle things himself. Batman doesn't need Robin or the other's. They help but he can still be that scary, angry pissed off guy. Another thing too Arrow in the comics and Arrow on TV is still to drastic. It's too much like Batman. I'd like to see him move more over to the happy side of things and be his own.
I do want to take a moment and actually talk about that one scene where Malcolm Merlyn actually sacrifices himself for the better good of his kid, Thea--Aka Speedy-- in a very cool speech. I have no idea though if they are actually going to let him stay dead. It's a comic based televison show people don't always stay dead. I hope that he's not. I think the Dark Archer needs to come after Arrow. I'm a big fan of making a villian and then setting him up against his hero. Having them go at it. Doesn't really need to be written Dark Archer is a huge aspect of the television show. Now they are finally equals let them duke it out writers.
On that big suprise it was ruined through there twitter accounts which I find to be kind of suprising. They told all of us that certain people were coming back next year as regulars. Just saying. It's poor decision making.
Legend's embraced it's silly and well kind of stupid nature. It was also while more episodes wasn't anywhere near the 20 or so episodes of the other shows. Which made it tighter then it's other shows. While it took a bit longer to show why, how an reason the bad guys got together it was still a good show.
Making use of the whole time travel it was a lot of fun. Silly and over the top fun was had this past year. So long as they keep it tight and it's not to strung out I think this show is actually going to be pretty cool next year. Since well they broke time and all hell has pretty much happen from what they did this past year.
The characters are what made this past year for this show fun. It's hard to replace the characters lost last year. Yet, I think Vixen did it really well. Opening up other parts of the DC universe to play in. The Justice Society was cool to learn about and would be kind of cool to see more of those characters and possible stories.
One of the minor parts though I have to say is in killing Reverse Flash. Eobard is very much a part of Flash and needs to comeback. I hope that where ever he is when Flash returns he comes back to mess with him at least one last time.
Supergirl and Legends I have to say came on very strong. The writers for both shows I think did a really good job for the week to week. Though honestly I have to say that Legends benefited from actually having just 18 hours to fill. I think it was 18--anyhow it was a shorter season for them-- then the full 20 something order for Supergirl. I still think that Flash beats Arrow. Even though over all I think that Arrow is while showing signs of age did have some cool moments. I would also like to say that I think CW Network shot themselves in the foot. They released what the next season will be about a bit to the press. Basically, putting out there that Iris lives. Also too on twitter if you are following Stephen or any of the Arrow cast you know that people that "died" on that island is actually coming back for the next year as regulars. So it's not that shocking when you see it blow up. The thing is maybe keeping your secrets closer to the vest guys. All I'm saying.
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