Flash....taking on Flash?
It was announced last week's episode that Flash is basically Savitar, and I don't really like it. First off I think there was a little bit of emotional punch in the whole reveal being someone of importance to Barry. I thought as the reveal was being set up and him saying about the "love" thing that it was Iris. That would have been interesting, and cool. After all she would need the suit that Savatar wears. With it being Barry I want to know why he needs that.
Now it's time for a bit of a reveal here on this blog post I am actually writing this the night before the start of the newest episode. I wanted to try and have this written over the weekend and out on the blog but it didn't happen. Plus, I thought I'd save it till after to see where they take this whole thing. Now back to our regular program already in progress.
I have heard that they arn't planning on using a Speedster as next years bad guy, and I'm all for that. Since Legends actually killed or so far took Reverse Flash off of the board sorta speak nothing really compares to him. He's the Ultimate Bad Guy for Flash, as far as this show goes. I hope that they actually do something and make this show as much fun as it was during it's first season. I'm thinking that is what all of us want.
Having watched tonight's episode I really still don't like this. I think the writers missed the boat on this one. It would have been I think more interesting and not "another speedster" as people complained and I am in a way saying this. The writers and the showrunner have been harping on decisions and consequences. I still would have liked it to have been someone closer and not Barry.
It was a bit of a slap stick episode as they stopped Barry from having any new memories. Yet, much like Supergirl while there is only three weeks left these third to last episodes weren't exactly the best. In fact each has felt like a filler. I hope that they can balance this out on Flash.
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