'Game time A-holes!'
Guardian’s of The Galaxy Vol.2 Review
It’s approaching a full twenty four hours since I have actually seen Guardian’s 2 and I am not totally excited; I’m actually not that much of anything. It’s a good movie, yet the story for me was a bit lacking. It’s a film about family relations, what makes a family, and what it is. Since majority of those reading this will have probably seen the first one I will not add in back story to this but will say that the Guardian’s see themselves as not just a group but as a family to one another. Always having one another’s backs and support. Even when that is a bit of a challenge.

So once we get passed the dancing Groot and them killing the monster you have them getting into trouble with the Sovereign. I have no idea if I’m actually spelling it right-there it is anyhow. Rocket steals those batteries and once attacked they end up on an island. It’s there that they actually meet Peter’s dad. As it was revealed his dad is Ergo the Planet. He’s a God and has been moving out into the universe to spread himself among the other planets. I love Kurt Russell and I love him as an actor and wish he’d do more acting jobs. I know he’s older but he just seems like a cool guy and given the right material he can knock it out of the park. This film though there really isn’t much of a chance for him to do anything. He’s kind of in it to be in it.
As he and other’s go on this story everyone kind of learns what family is and what makes them. Peter learns what his powers are and what he can and can’t do. There are some pretty cool revelations and yet it just plays out nice. The comedy bits the really funny one’s have been shown. They were revealed in a trailer that you have seen thousands of times. It’s kind of bad when
my kid is sitting next to me and his quietly under breath saying the lines to the scene. The cameo’s are kind of cool. Sly’s part though is much like Kurt’s and just kind of there. I understand the story and I get it just felt the moments fell flat. The look and the music is all cool. But, at the heart of your story I didn’t care. I didn’t even really care about the ending which is sad I know. The thing fell flat.
In closing I would say that I would label this better then Doctor Strange. Which for me was one of the low marks for Marvel/Disney as a whole. It’s a ride we have all been on which is a shame. I love the first one. I am such a fan of it. I thought much like Deadpool that it was a really a breath of fresh air. I don’t think of Guardian’s as being more of a superhero show I thought of it as a space opera. This film continues the whole space opera but doesn’t really care to hang it’s hat on anything new. I give this film a thumbs up because it’s still a good film and still a decent story but it definitely it’s at least or better then Vol. 1.
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