Is Marvel Spoiling us?

I actually asked that question a while back on Twitter as it's a question that I have been pondering for some time now. Is Marvel spoiling us when it comes to setting up directors and having a vision? It kind of seems that way because what is happening over at the Warner Brother's back lot is kind of crazy. Flash can't seem to keep a director and now no telling when it'll be made.

After Wonder Woman and Justice League which will be the next film? I know that Aquaman is shooting right now but the whole lineup has been altered and set back. Something I don't think has ever really happened over at Marvel. When they say a movie is going to come out it does. I've never heard of any changes really. I know too that they are really hushed on a lot of things and don't let it all slip out. They have Disney's hand in helping with that.

I think it's safe to say that they next film though in line is probably Batgirl or The Batman- Really whatever they call it since Matt Reeves has taken over and doing re-writes- since Warner knows to not really mess with anything remotely named Batman. They have seen the powerful draw with that name alone in the titles for them to squander away Batman.

This is just my own thoughts and ramblings this time around. It's more just casting light on Warner as a whole and wondering what they will come up with. Some of the ideas are kind of cool I just hope that they give the backing where it needs to be and not to try and rush.

I do get that they want to be different from Marvel and that they want it to still feel like something
the person behind the camera is their own work, but still part of an overarching storyline. I don't know if that can totally work. I think sidestepping some of Marvel's woes at the moment could be something of a good thing. Time will tell though.

Anyhow, thanks for reading and let me know what you think in the comments below. Are you for all of this or not? Are we being spoiled in some ways by Marvel/ Disney?


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