Essays: Where do the Wachowski's go now?
Where do Lana and Lilly go? A couple of days ago it was reported that there Netflix show Sense 8 wasn't coming back for a third season. With that people have been upset. Especially since the last season ended on a cliffhanger. I haven't watched Sense 8. Actually, I was going to try and catch up with it because I think they are actually cool creators.
They are challenging creators. The Matrix was a dizzying and mind blowing movie. A movie that was challenging and didn't always have the simplest of answers. It was great. The sequels sucked. They were derivative though I think with age they are a bit better then people thought they were. I don't think a lot of people thought of it being as one film cut into two. That whole idea was still new at the time and I think that also played into things.

I do think they make personal movies and stories. Sex and sexuality is a big part of their identity and that has both hurt and kind of helped them. The Bound scenes definitely made a buzz for them; them being a small little movie it helped put butts in the movie theater.
When I first heard that the Wachowski's were getting a tv show. That they would, in turn, have around 13 hours to actually tell a story I thought this would be very cool. It also came at a time when their films bombed. Jupiter Ascending didn't do what it needed to do and it sucked. It wasn't the fantasy turn that Matrix gave sci-fi genre as a whole.
At the time of this writing, Netflix hadn't actually responded back to the fans. They actually did. Saying that they got together and tried to find a way to actually bring back this film. It takes so much money per episode it cost too much and the fact that not a whole lot of people actually watched it meant in the dumpster it went. Sad but that is sometimes how it goes.
I hope that maybe the sisters return back to a smaller budget and something more like the movie bound. That was smart and thrilling. Kept people on there toes and was fun seeing them skeet the noir genre. I'll be looking for ft next film and at least trying it out whatever they decide to do.
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