May the Force be with You, Princess

Carrie Fisher

October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016

Having had Star Wars and Star Trek as the two main series growing up that you must watch hearing of Carrie Fisher's passing has sadden me. She was a very cool lady; a lady that you would want to hang out and spend time with. Someone that seemed to be warm and very much a Princess. Princess Leia was someone that fought and didn’t wait for the men to save her or need the men to really do anything. She was a strong influence. I don’t recall that many women parts in movies that were like Princess Leia. As a Dad I wouldn't mind having my daughter be the Princess in all honesty. Carrie Fisher was a one of a kind and the world is a little darker tonight.
She was also a champion for those with mental illness. Those that society said there was a problem with. I come from a family and so does my wife where mental illnesses played into our world. It was nice to hear and see a woman talking about and daring those around her with problems to speak up and say something.May the force be with you, Carrie Fisher. May we all one day join you in the Force. No matter what she will always be the Princess. My condolences to the family and those closest to her. Per her request; Carrie Fisher died at night in the moonlight, strangled by her own bra.


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