Jar Jar Bink's Alive!?!
Every few days I roam the net looking for interesting blog post ideas, and boy have I found an interesting one. According to SyfyWire it seems that everyone hated Star Wars character is still alive an well. If you haven't or maybe don't know who that is, it's Jar Jar Binks. In the new Star Wars novel Aftermath: Empire's End, which tells the story before Force Awakens, has a bit of information on Jar Jar.
I don't know how I feel about this one. I'm okay with them keeping him alive. The one hitch I have though is that he stays either to games or books. I think it's kind of humorous and makes sense that the people would actually turn against Jar Jar. Even though basically he was never bright nor knew what to do.
I'll ask this how do you feel about having Jar Jar Bink's officially back in the Star Wars cannon? Do you hate it or not like it? Are you okay with it? Let me know your thoughts below!
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