Make it stop!
Oh no not another one of these!
For those that don't follow my blog I haven't really railed against anything and yet here I am doing that now. I'v been heading around some of the news sites seeing what is going on out there and for the life of me I'v found a few things. One I'm addressing here and another I'm have already addressed I just haven't really released it yet.
Why are they making another one of these films. I know that the studio wants to actually make a whole universe and I'd be cool with it if it made sense and wasn't just bang, boom, girls butt, bang, boom, funny, boobs. Which is kind of the hallmark of Bay. Look I'm not going to say that he's a crap director. If you need to do an action movie that is actually really cool and kind of fun he's one of your guys. This guy does action films extremely well.
That being said I wouldn't expect him to land on say an Oscar nominated film. If you had a fun summer blockbuster film I'd say go with that. He doesn't make them make sense though. They are all over the place and they all become the same thing over and over again. Nothing really new here.
I just hope that this series either ends or someone tries to revamp or do something. If you'r going to give us more please give us more and not listen to the little kids out there. My son Loves Batman vs Superman but he'd had been fine just to see the fight. Didn't need an actual story. I'm just saying guys. Oh and before I leave yes I actually like the first and third one of these movies. The last one bored the hell out of me.
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