Spectre of the Gun!
While there has always been a bit of a difference in Arrow the TV show and Arrow the comic both though have in the past not shied away from controversial topics. In fact they have used those story devices to actually tell an interesting and cool story.
Like the episode last night in which Oliver met something that he hasn't met. A man that isn't really bad and yet took violence in his own hands. The plot of the episode is basically a man goes to the darker side and kills people in his offices.
It's shot and treated exactly as one would expect and something that we as a nation has seen and heard a lot these past few years. Some of the incidents are scary and yet still true. I work in retail and I have had to sit through a couple of video's discussing just this very thing.
The story though is a times happening and they are trying to piece together just how to solve these things from happening yet they also have talk about the history of gun violence and problems facing the nation. It is an interesting one and I think that the show over all handled it very well. They should be commended. It wasn't really heavy handed nor did it go to much to the left or right.
I loved the Wild Dog background and using him to actually make a point. He should have been all for gun violence and stopping it. Not allowing others and other people like himself get a hand on a gun, and causing mayhem with it. It was nice to see not just his character fleshed out more but to actually see him and get to know him. You understand him as a character now. It also has happened to a lot of people. Do check it out as it was a good episode.
Parent warning: I would say that this episode shouldn't be watched by the young kids. Yet, with the way that this world is at the moment I personally they should. This is something that happens to them and it's a great way to introduce them to maybe what to do. How to stay safe if ever this happen. It is something troubling and I understand if you don't want to. I wouldn't say nor ever force on people how to raise there kids though with the craziness it's not a bad gateway to actually talking about these things. Which I think too is something the producers and staff wanted.
I would say too that it's important to keep in mind that the legislation that Oliver brings and makes happy is a fantasy. There is no one easy out that we haven't thought of. Think that should be expressed especially if you have young ones. Should know it's just a challenging issue and there are cases for both sides. Anyhow, awesome job to the staff and crew of Arrow.
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