The Dark Universe, A Mummy New & Old

Some of you may or may not know, let alone honestly care about the whole monster movie universe that is trying to be hatched over at Universal. That was supposed to have started in earnest a few years ago but that has slowed down. Right now the word is kind of mum, as they don't really know what is going to happen though a few are cheerful there is a future for this series. Being honest right now I didn't go see The Mummy and honestly, I don't think I will, I'll probably just Netflix it or rent later.

I am though kind of seeing a bright side though to having a monster universe. If done right and is thrilling and can be a bit different. I do agree that in order for a new "Universe" to live it can't live and die by spectacle alone. You have to have characters and people that are cared about and for. Marvel has shown that they are top dogs in the spectacle part and if your going to go to war there characters will win hands down.

One of the reason's I'm doing a monster summer is because of the fact that they are fun and different. It's not quite superheroes and it's a different side of the sci-fi/fantasy spectrum. Though you can raise the same type of questions in another way and opens doors to more the human--animalness of us.

From what I read though this is a big ordinary, actionfest from Tom Cruise. I don't think this will ever live up to its name though. The previous films were fun---and talking about the first one---actually kind of scary. They were really good action adventure stories. With a really freaky monster chasing them about.

Whatever the next film I hope that while it might be a PG-13 movie I hope that it takes us back and that it's a good character film, as well as action and story threwn in for good measure. Give us a good film and we all shall go see more of it. We do want variety and not everything like Superheroes. I know the whole "shared universe" is getting tiring but it's not going to slow down. Having something good and different though wouldn't mind that at all.


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