#3 It's back! Arrowverse
I liked this episode and I thought it was really well written and made. I felt like Kevin Smith was given a really good script this time around. In the episode Supergirl is trying to find out what happened to a mom’s daughter. The daughter for those that don’t know is played by Harley Quinn…..Smith. Kevin’s kid. As she goes looking for the girl though she lands on a planet with Mon-El and it has a red sun. Meaning that they don’t have any powers and are just average people.
Her sister freaks out which in turn causes a rift with her now girlfriend. Which they had some very interesting and cute moments in this episode. She mounts a team to go and save Kara since Martian Man can’t head to the planet because it would kill him.
I felt overall I want to know more about Mon-El who’s chasing him and why even more now. The gun is kind of freak in that it can make a person disintegrate. Which is cool. What makes him so special? Did he do a bad thing back on his home planet? Anyhow, another really great episode and good build towards the end of the season. Oh, and I look forward to what episode 17 is since it’s Kevin Smith episode again.
A great start return for Flash as well as Legends of Tomorrow. More Legends news though in a bit. So what did we find out in this episode? Basically that Barry has 4 months to figure out how to stop Iris from being killed.
I love how they figure this out and yet tease some upcoming events. Even though the Grodd episode was already let out earlier this year. Be cool to see Gorilla City come to Flash. This is a bit of a spoiler but Iris finds out that the reason why Barry has been having nightmares is because of the fact that she maybe killed in the future. That whole scene was really good. Great acting, directing and writing on that one. Awesome job to the Flash Team.
HR kind of has his moments played out here too as well. The “soft” opening for the museum was actually funny and cool. I love the hologram of Cisco. Some very funny beats there.
Am looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Can Barry save not just Iris but Caitlin as well and from her becoming Killer Frost? Did anyone actually catch the reference? See the bottom of the newspaper where it mentions the red sun? Thought that was pretty awesome.

This is part one of course 2. The other should be out in a few days. I’m saving Legends and Arrow for another post. I’d have some overall thoughts as well as to how this week played out. I did want to say though that Flash and Legends killed it in the ratings. While normal numbers for Flash very good numbers for Legends. I will also be having a post about the Mom and what happened on twitter Monday night. Kind of a three partner. So all enjoy Arrow. As it’s coming up soon! Hopefully we get some answers to what's happening with Laurel Lance. Enjoy!
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