New Season....New Shows!
All the suites and powers to be at the networks are going through there line up of programs and finding out who will still stay and who will go; and also who will be added to take the place of those that are going. At the moment I'm just highlighting the shows that are tinged with sci-fi or fantasy type of elements. I might throw in some mentions of other shows to look at.
All I can say is wow. They went with The Exorcist and got rid of shows like Pitch---why? Pitch was a better show and I don't expect Exorcist to make it out of Friday hell hole spot it's in. It barely made it out on Fridays. You keep a show and leave it on a bad night. I think they want it gone really. That is a big shock to me.
"If you've ever played World of Warcraft or Second Life or heck, even Pokemon Go, then you know that sometimes you need someone to give you a little help to check back into reality. Enter Sarah Shahi."
It's on the CW and it will be a new superhero show. I just wanted to mention this as I think we will be watching this one. I am still hearing that they won't tie this actually into the Arrowverse but hey whatever. They probably will though these crossover's are going to be friggin huge when they do add it to the line up. Sounds like a pretty cool show.
The Orville
I have to say that this is kind of interesting as an idea. I have no idea though if it's going to stay or is practical. It's basically a Galaxy Quest styled spoof of Star Trek, and while I can sit back and enjoy it I don't know if it's going to do well at all. The last Star Trek film did really well and yet I don't know if the worlds ready for it being spoofed but I'm going to check it out at least.
The Gifted
This is probably out of Fox's new offerings something that a lot of people are going to be wanting to see, and do well. I don't know if it will. We've had other "superhero" styled shows and while I'm a big X-Men fan I hope it doesn't detract or take away from Legion (Which is really unique and cool show.) and it doesn't just fall on it's face as did some of the other shows out there. Were looking at you People of Tomorrow and Heroes among others.
The Exorcist
All I can say is wow. They went with The Exorcist and got rid of shows like Pitch---why? Pitch was a better show and I don't expect Exorcist to make it out of Friday hell hole spot it's in. It barely made it out on Fridays. You keep a show and leave it on a bad night. I think they want it gone really. That is a big shock to me.
"If you've ever played World of Warcraft or Second Life or heck, even Pokemon Go, then you know that sometimes you need someone to give you a little help to check back into reality. Enter Sarah Shahi."
I don't know. Sounds very run of the mill even though it's cyber and all it's going to be crime of the week styled show and that is about it. I don't know. I might try out the pilot; as personally I think she's hot. She was hot and I didn't mind watching her scenes when she was on L Word. They had a lot of hot women and in certain amount of undress.
So this one here is a bit of a wild one. The brass over at NBC cancelled it and I guess so many people were upset that they greenlight another season to make everyone happy. So cudos to everyone over at Timeless and to the fans. The staff and actors and everyone get another paycheck.
Black Lightning
It's on the CW and it will be a new superhero show. I just wanted to mention this as I think we will be watching this one. I am still hearing that they won't tie this actually into the Arrowverse but hey whatever. They probably will though these crossover's are going to be friggin huge when they do add it to the line up. Sounds like a pretty cool show.
The Crossing
Okay so this show does come off as a kind of LOST type of show. Though I am down for shows like this I want it done right, and I would like for it to be more then just the ride and actually have an ending. As LOST has shown us if your going to go big it can be fun but have to put in the steps so people don't feel let down. Also ABC can't just throw this one away if it doesn't work give us and it some time.
Star Trek Discovery
I don't want to talk about this to much as I'm hoping to actually put into another blog post as this trailer did just drop. I hope that while they are reaching for it's own identity as a tv show and has a ton of things ridding on it I do hope that what they think is Star Trek is actually Star Trek and not something else. Just saying.
Finally there is the new comic book based tv show that we have all heard about Inhumans. I guess this is Disney's way of putting out another series for ABC since Agents of Shields is probably gearing down in the next few years. Hopefully for the viewers and those behind the scenes they are given some time to at least wrap that show up. Anyhow, this is out as a special in IMAX on Sept. 1 so it is coming! I don't know if I'm paying IMAX prices for a pilot basically.
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