Tech News Vol.1

Tech News Volume 1.

I want to start a new feature here on this blog. I know that we cover some really cool movies and tv shows; basically those things that are entertaining to us. I would like to expand on that as well. I want to add some pretty interesting or fun tech news. This isn’t always about computers or all news such as that. They will cover how tech touches our lives and who we all are. Hopefully we all enjoy and maybe get something interesting in this new series.

Landline Phone’s

Know how you  were watching Stranger Things and your kid was wondering what the Mom was talking into when the monster would make the phone call and eventually destroy it? The look in their eyes wondering what exactly you were talking about, and as they sat there and tried to understand. I know I had that conversation with my own kid while we watched those episodes. We actually had to go to Grandmother’s house and show him what it was, as none of us had one. I have a land line but I use it to get cheaper internet and cable.

Now we know according to the Center of Disease and Prevention (As we call them a shorter name…the CDC.) that in fact the landline phone is going by the way of cassette tapes and the beeper. 50.8 percent of the houses now have only cell phones. The younger generation being the most and as you get older they are still there but lower percentage. So congrats everyone your home phone might be an interesting defunct electronics toy now.

Interesting enough the report also states that those with very little money have cell phones only and the ones that have cash have the landlines. Kind of interesting if you think about it. I know some pretty low incomes and they wouldn’t ever dream of having a cell phone. Not just because it probably does cost them an arm and a leg but my wife’s side of the family is going to be kicking and screaming into the 21st century.  Anyone have anyone like that by the way?

So how do you feel to the older crowd? Knowing that you are now at the cusp of actually having no landlines— actually be one of the last generation to saying goodbye to your childhoods. Very few things are the same or even from the 80’s and 90’s. Television, radio, movie… just about everything has changed. How does everyone feel about being that old guy/girl saying remember when? We knew the day was coming but still though…..

Hotdog App

Okay so this seems very weird, but the AP used in Silicon Valley is real and it can now help you with detect what is a hot dog and not a hot dog. I haven’t actually tried it out but I actually do plan on doing so soon. I find it strange yet not totally as it’s something that maybe with some really exposable income can really throw away and help create something like this. The AP is named ‘Not a Hotdog’ and it’s on the Apple and Google store.

So go and get some hotdogs download the AP and try it out! Though please let us know what you find and it’s actually right. Just a weird and strange AP for sure!

Everyone loves a Sith!

This one’s just a name but it’s kind of interesting in how the top boy’s name is Kylo. I guess everyone’s a Sith. Kind of makes sense doesn’t with just how the world is at the moment. It’s really nothing attached to one political aspect. I guess Jar Jar was a big huge name used back when Episodes 1-3 were out. That would be a horrible name wouldn’t it? Going into class and saying your name was Jar Jar. Though if your kid turns into being an ass with Daddy issues….at least can say it didn’t fall far from the tree huh?

Alright so that ends us here in the first gathering of some tech info. I know it’s not all about tech— really two out of the three but I’m trying to have some fun here. Thought I’d scroll through some news and show some interesting bits. I have no idea when I’m going to be doing this again but I plan on it. See how things go. If you want to see more or have ideas of what type of stories can do in this feature let me know down below and or hit me up over at twitter.


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