'Time to mark an era, and the turning of the page!' 100th Post!

It's time to celebrate! Celebrate the fact that I and you have made it to 100 posts. I know it's not always been set as I don't know if anyone has actually kept coming back. I hope that is true that some of you are coming back. If you are please leave a comment below letting me know.

I also wanted to let you know that I have a few fun ideas that I think are going to be awesome. I'm wanting to add more video to this blog and what we do here. Think that will be cool. I have added a few more social media aspects to this as well. I'm going to be posting the reviews up on Letterbox. They will be posted here and then a while later posted up on that site.

As of today at least here in the Austin area, it's summer time and with that, I think we should have a theme.  We will be covering monsters! We started with a family favorite Disney movie "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". It's part of the retro review but it does kick off monster summer! So please check out for more monster madness!

Of course, we will be covering the movies that we see in one way..shape or form. I've never just wanted this to become a review blog. I do want to talk about a bit more than that and have come up with a few ways of doing that. I have a few blog posts about certain films and directors that will be extended throughout the summer. We have four weeks and out of that, I plan on posting at least 2-3 times out of the week. Each week will be highlighted by a series. From the retro reviews, reviews; essays over cool topics, and other fun! Before you all freak out I'll be teasing some Arrowverse news as well as other superhero tv news. That is something we cover and I will be saying that the upcoming Fall Tv is going to be crazy. That might be two or three weeks to actually cover it. There is a ton of tv shows that are superhero now. Should be fun :).

The Tv Show poll has ended and with that, I'm going to have a runoff, because I have two shows that actually ended up tied. That should be coming pretty soon. We will be covering The Last Ship. While that does come out in August I am going to have to go back and catch up. I am not caught up on the new season. So I guess come join me as I cover the last season. Should be fun.

Please let me know your favorite summertime show is. Maybe we can cover it and or at least have a blog post about it. Before you mention it yes we will be covering Games of Thrones. As for me, that is a huge television show and one I enjoy and love. I'm thinking of doing possible The Last Ship and Animal Kingdom.

Might have a few treats actually for you the readers here on the blog. I have a few posters stored away that there might be a giveaway for. Keep following me on the social media accounts I have and might just win.

Just wanted to end this by saying thank you for coming to this blog and checking out what I have to say. I do plan on some great things coming up!

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