Wonder Woman and the numbers!
Reports are coming in from Deadline that have the opening release of Wonder Woman all over the place. Either way we could be getting into a bumpy ride. A ride that I think Warner just kind of put along. There is no hype no marketing and yet for some people they say that they have spent the same amount of money, and there is the problem. Just because you spent the money doesn't mean you are getting the word out. I can go spend a grand easily doesn't mean I'm going to be making any noise spending that grand.
I have touched on this in another blog post so can head over there if you'd like and come back. Now that you are back lets get on with it. If this movie tanks then we all get stuck with how women don't want to see women on film and can't handle a big tent pole event film. Not only that but it also pretty much shoots a dead horse all over again. Truth be told when it comes to that horse it's already; been dead a zillion lifetimes over.
It's not just the opening weekend though that gets people in the theaters they are going to take in account that next week. Batman VS Superman did well the opening weekend but man did the drop off the second weekend pretty much kill that film. Normally a superhero movie has a 50 % drop off. Yet, hopefully it can gain traction and keep going strong.
The fall out though will be pretty big. Gadot isn't a house known name,
and to be honest know one knows her unless your a Fast and Furious fan. The director Jenkins I don't think anyone knows any of her films but Boy's Don't Cry. I'm still game and I'll still be there as I do want to see the DCEU succeed.
Gotta admit though if this does succeed maybe we might finally get that Black Widow film they have been making the trailer for since Iron Man 2. That is a film a lot of people would pay tickets to see by the way Marvel. I leave you down below the trailer for Wonder Woman! Oh, and one last tidbit Fandango is selling tickets already. If you get them online you get 5 bucks worth of digital comics and a giftcard wonder woman to use.
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